“I am so close, I may look distant. So completely mixed with you, I may look separate. So out in the open, I appear hidden. So silent, because I am constantly talking with you.”
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Night Sky: David Morrison, 2016

by James Finley


“The process of establishing ourselves in a habitual state of compassionate love takes place in the context of countless failures to be compassionate.  But this proves to be no hindrance as long as we commit ourselves to being compassionate toward ourselves in our failings to be compassionate.  Even our failures to be compassionate prove to be but new opportunities. This process of yielding to compassionate love unfolds and deepens over a lifetime of learning that when all is said and done, love is the playing field where we most truly meet ourselves and others as we really are: precious in our collective frailty.”   

7-25-2016 9-27-37 PM

As a turbulent storm passes over our desert this early evening, we pray for the life or our world: especially with the people of Nice, France and all the places marked by violence. We pray the Kingdom of God will break like a calm over the restless sea:

7-15-2016 6-51-59 PM