I've lived here at the community with Marsha, my wife, since its founding in 2003. I serve in various ways from pastoral care to landscape maintenance; from coffee brewing to bar keeping.

Author Archives: David Morrison

Deep Listening

Dorian and David discuss Quaker themes and encountering the writings of Parker Palmer

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The Presence of the Future

Dorian and David discuss the legacy of John Wimber and the Vineyard movement.

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El Paso Mountain Star (David Morrison, 2021)

The El Paso Mountain Star is lit tonight to mark 400,000 deaths from COVID-19 in the United States (2.05 million worldwide). Tonight, our community holds them and their loved ones in our hearts–we hold space in their grieving. Along with these, our prayer encircles the 23 innocent people who were murdered at the hands of a radicalized, white nationalist in August of 2019 in east El Paso. Our prayer surrounds those they left behind. Lord, let your Spirit breathe songs of lament and loss through us on behalf of our dead and their bereaved. Let these songs take flight and become a healing salve throughout our world, our nation, our community, and our families this evening and the coming days.

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Adult Christianity

Dorian and David discuss the influence and inspiration of Fr. Richard Rohr on the development of Desert Rain.

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Read Dr. King’s letter written from the Birmingham Jail in 1963:

Click here to view and read the original letter from Stanford University

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Come and See

“This love will not be reduced to platitudes; nor will it be restricted to the religious realm. It is simultaneously personal and universal.”

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First Poem of the Year

Some scribbled lines on a winter’s day

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The Prayer of Lament

“The Bible shows us what to do with our frustration, outrage, and complicity…”

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Lectio Divina

Dorian and David discuss a common sense approach to Scripture as well as encountering the “divine whisper of the Living Word.”

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